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The Stormwater Upgrade Program identifies drainage issues reported by staff and the community. Our Stormwater Engineers assess each against a specific set of criteria to rank their priority. Five locations in Dubbo with localised flooding issues are identified for stormwater upgrades.

The proposed works will address localised stormwater drainage issues by improving stormwater inlet efficiencies and system capacity resulting in improved service level for these areas.

Impacts to Residents

During the scheduled works, residents can expect some changes to traffic conditions and some sites will require the use of traffic controllers. Local residents with direct impacts will receive courtesy notices advising of the changes for general awareness.

We acknowledge these works may cause inconveniences such as disruptions to driveways and footpaths, but these will be limited to the construction zones only. There will also be some noise associated with these works, however our teams on site will endeavour to minimise the disturbance to residents.

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