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The Dubbo Branch of Macquarie Regional Library will be undertaking remedial works to enhance library’s main entrance and emergency exit access for safety of the public. The main entrance on Talbragar Street and emergency exit on Macquarie Street ramp sub-structure is being replaced and fully retiled.

For the duration of this closure community can expect the following impacts:

  • Closed to public from Saturday 28 to Tuesday 31 October
  • Alternative book return services
  • Noise, associated dust, reduced footpath access around the library building and possibility of some car spaces directly in front of the library may impact local businesses

RETURNS | The following arrangements have been made for the 4 day closure.

  • The Dubbo Visitor Information Centre will accept returns between the hours of 9am - 5pm.
  • Due dates have been extended for this period.

BORROW | Online services are available for the duration. Library services available on Monday 30 October and Tuesday 31 October include:

  • Book Express home delivery. Contact Dubbo Library on 02 6801 4510 or email to book a service.
  • Books to Boot collection. Contact Dubbo Library on 02 6801 4510 or email to book a service.

All activities and programs that fall on Monday 30 October and Tuesday 31 October within the Library will not proceed. Which include

  • Tuesday 31 October – Storytime for 3-5-year-old.
  • Tuesday 31 October – Tech Help one-on-one sessions

Programs and activities will resume from Wednesday 1 November and the branch look forward to seeing you return.

Community are encouraged to access online library services where they can. Book Express home delivery and Books to Boot collection services are available on Monday 30 October and Tuesday 31 October.

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Macquarie Regional Library

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P.O. Box 81
Dubbo NSW 2830

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