Net Zero Pop Up | Dubbo Farmers Markets

Community are welcome to visit our pop-up stall at the next Farmers Markets, and directly engage with staff about the proposed Net Zero Framework. Come along and chat with our staff from the Resource Recovery & Efficiency Team, so they can answer any questions you may have around this Framework and how Council is committing to climate change.

The Farmers Markets are held in Macquarie Lions Park, behind the Visitor Information Centre, cnr Newell Hwy and Macquarie St, Dubbo.

Alternate venues are Dubbo RSL carpark (for wet weather), or Ollie Robbins Oval, behind Coles on Bligh St, Dubbo (for when the Lions Park is unavailable).

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Engagement & Customer Insights Team

Dubbo Regional Council

Resource Recovery & Efficiency

Dubbo Regional Council

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