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Our elected body are seeking your feedback on the Draft Council Policy – Technology Provisions for Councillors. The purpose of this policy is to ensure technology supplied for councillors is managed, maintained, and operated in accordance with Council requirements.

A current review of the policies has presented an opportunity to consolidate existing policies pertaining to Councillors. This effort has led to the development of the draft ‘Technology Provisions for Councillors Policy’. This Draft policy is intended to replace the existing policies:

  • Access to Councillor Email Messages.
  • Provision, Operation, Management of Corporate Devices for Councillors.

The review finding indicate the following:

  • The core content and intent remain unchanged.
  • Security measures have been enhanced to ensure alignment with adopted security frameworks.
  • Obsolete technologies and practices have been removed from the proposed policy. This includes reference to provision of warranty packs and data plans, establishment of iTunes accounts and providing CD/DVD for copies of business papers.
  • Contemporary communication styles and methods have been considered.
  • The increased capability and usage of mobile devices have been reflected.

Additional information included in the proposed policy:

  • The type of technology provided is not explicitly specified, rather is at the discretion of the Chief Information Officer.
  • Providing a suitable support system for Councillors in consideration with Councillor interaction requirements.
  • Technology management includes the ability to locate a device through GPS or tracking.

Draft Technology Provisions for Councillors policy

To view the full policy, we encourage you to download the policy by clicking the button below.

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Submission Process

In accordance with the Personal Information Protection Act 1998, written submissions received by Council containing personal information may be made public when the matter goes before Council for consideration, as it may be included in Council’s Business Papers. Persons have the right to remain anonymous if they so choose by refraining from submitting their personal information, however, the submission may be given less weight in the overall assessment and consideration of the draft policy.

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