Our elected body are seeking your feedback on the revised Code of Meeting Practice which guides and governs the delivery of Council meetings.
The options considered are listed below:- The majority of the provisions within this Policy are mandatory under the Model Code of Meeting Practice.
- The additional non-mandatory provisions were adopted by the previous terms of councils. You are able to review the non-mandatory provisions for changes if required.
- Administrative changes have been made to update information on the following:
- 3.9 A councillor may give notice of any business they wish to be considered by the Council at its next ordinary meeting by way of a notice of motion. To be included on the agenda of the meeting, the notice of motion must be in writing and must be submitted eight business days before the meeting is to be held by 12pm. (note this does not include the day of the meeting) This has been updated to the change of meeting days to Tuesdays so it allows adequate time for the processing on the agenda and does not impact the release date of the agenda.
- 5.2 A councillor cannot participate in a meeting of the Council or of a Committee of the Council unless personally present at the meeting, unless permitted to attend the meeting by audio-visual link under this code.
- 5.19 A request by a Councillor for approval to attend a meeting by audio-visual link must be made in writing to the Chief Executive Officer 24 hours prior to the meeting in question and must provide a reason why. This is required now due to the new Confero Meeting System.
- 8.5 (a) Questions on Notice must be lodged in writing with the Chief Executive Officer no later than 12pm eight business days prior to the scheduled Ordinary Meeting of the Council (note this does not include the day of the meeting). This has been updated due to the change of meeting days to Tuesdays, so it allows adequate time for the processing on the agenda and does not impact the release date of the agenda.
- For Council’s consideration
- 4.9 No more than two (2) speakers are to be permitted to speak ‘for’ or ‘against’ each item of business on the agenda for the council meeting, is highlighted to potential update this as in the recent past we do not adhere to this requirement allowing more than two people to speak to a topic of interest.
Draft Code of Meeting Practice Policy
To view the full policy and proposed changes indicated in red we encourage you to download the policy by clicking the button below.
Make a submission
Submission Process
In accordance with the Personal Information Protection Act 1998, written submissions received by Council containing personal information may be made public when the matter goes before Council for consideration, as it may be included in Council’s Business Papers. Persons have the right to remain anonymous if they so choose by refraining from submitting their personal information, however, the submission may be given less weight in the overall assessment and consideration of the draft policy.
Frequently asked questions
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Do you have a question about the policy?
Before you submit a formal submission, send us a quick question for clarification or for more context. Our engagement team will have an answer to you within 2 working days.