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Notice of Proposed Road Naming

Notice is hereby given that in accordance with Section 162 of the Roads Act 1993, Dubbo Regional Council has resolved to name public roads as follows:


Proposed public roads located on Lots 316 and 317 DP754308, Lots 64 and 65 DP754287, Lots 661 and 662 DP565756 and Lot 200 DP825059 Eulomogo Road, Dubbo.

Proposed Names:

  1. Flannel Flower Drive
  2. Desert Star Drive
  3. Splendid Loop
  4. Silverton Road
  5. Shasta Drive
  6. Koonamore Road
  7. Livingston Road
  8. Minnie Entrance
  9. Paper Daisy Drive
  10. Variable Road
  11. Cutleaf Road
  12. Coneflower Road

Any interest person may view the proposal during the exhibition period and may make written comment on the proposal to the Chief Executive Officer, Dubbo Regional Council, PO Box 81, Dubbo with the respect to such proposed naming.

Road layout

Daisy Hill Estate location

Daisy Hill locations

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