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Engagement Snapshot

Here is an overview of all the activities involving community for the purpose of participation.

Details of Re-Exhibition

Growth Planning is re-exhibiting a draft Planning Agreement with Squadron Energy Pty Ltd that relates to the Spicers Creek Wind Farm Pty Ltd. The draft Planning Agreement and Explanatory Note are on public exhibition until 9am, Monday 11 December 2023.

What's changed?

Clause 12 of the draft Planning Agreement has been updated to include more information in relation to community engagement. Subject to adoption, Council will be required to facilitate consultation with the community in accordance with Council's Community Engagement Strategy in relation to expenditure of the funds.

Clause 10.5 of the draft Planning Agreement has been created to require Council to review and determine every 5 years whether the percentage allocations specified in Schedule 1 should be varied. Prior to making a decision, Council must consult with the community in accordance with the guidelines prepared under clause 12.

The Environmental Impact Statement available on the NSW Government Major Projects website identifies the project having a capital investment value of approximately $2.0 billion. However, this value may change at the time of approval of the application. The Planning Agreement funding will also be calculated on a pro-rata basis per turbine located in the Dubbo Regional Local Government Area. These factors may change the amount of funds Council receives.

Based on these factors, Council may receive approximately $30 million over the life of the project. The exact amount of funds Council receives will be confirmed at a later date.

Council recognises the need for a community consultation body for renewable projects in the Dubbo Regional Local Government Area. The role of this body could be to provide a consultation link between the community, Council and developers of renewables projects. Council staff will undertake further background work to understand how this body can be developed to aid consultation.

The views of the community are welcome regarding the composition and operation of a community consultation body.

Further information will be considered by Council with all submissions provided in respect of the draft Planning Agreement. This report will be considered by Council at an open Council meeting following conclusion of the public exhibition period.

Strategic projects will be chosen in consultation with the to-be-developed community consultation body for renewable projects. As community needs may change over time, an exhaustive list of projects has not been identified. Funds will be used for projects identified in the terms of the planning agreement which includes strategic projects and traditional community benefit fund.

Details of the Planning Agreement

The objectives of the draft Planning Agreement are:

  • Squadron Energy Pty Ltd will pay a monetary contribution to Council, calculated on 1.5% of the capital investment value of the final layout of the project;
  • Funds will be paid annually, commencing from construction of the project, for the life of the project (30 years);
  • Funds will be indexed in accordance with CPI from the anniversary of the date of the Agreement.

The Environmental Impact Statement available on the NSW Government Major Projects website identifies the project having a capital investment value of approximately $2.0 billion. However, this value may change at the time of approval.

Funds are proposed to be allocated to the following public purposes:

Timeframe Development Contribution % pa
Years 1-5 A Strategic Project (nominated to be the construction and maintenance of Forest Vale Road causeway being a council public road within 10km of the Project Site) 54%
Community Benefit Fund (funding for community groups and other not-for-profit organisations for projects, with a preference for projects principally situated within 20km of the Project Site and for projects in Wellington) 6%
Remaining Funding (maintenance of council public roads within 20km of the Project Site, that are not otherwise to be carried out or funded by or on behalf of a government entity) 38%
Administration 2%
Years 6 - 30 Strategic Projects (funds to be used in the Dubbo LGA for projects within the categories identified in the Framework, with an emphasis on large-scale infrastructure including road infrastructure provision and maintenance) 54%
Community Benefit Fund (funding for community groups and other not-for-profit organisations for projects, with a preference for projects principally situated within 30km of the Project Site and for projects in Wellington. However this does not include projects in the Dubbo urban area) 6%
Remaining Funding (funds to be used on projects for community benefits identified in the Framework, with a preference for projects principally situated within 30km of the Project Site and for projects in Wellington. However, this does not include projects in the Dubbo urban area) 38%
Administration 2%
Location of site

The NSW Government - Department of Planning and Environment is in the early stages of assessing a State Significant Development Application for Spicers Creek Wind Farm, which includes:

  • the construction, operation and decommissioning of a wind farm with an estimated capacity up to 700 megawatts (MW), 117 turbines and a maximum height of 300m
  • a battery with a nominal storage of 400 MW, up to 1,800 MWh
  • ancillary infrastructure

The project has the potential to power approximately 397,000 homes.

A Planning Agreement is an agreement entered into between Council and a developer where the developer agrees to fund public amenities or infrastructure, dedicate land at no cost to Council, or provide monetary contributions or any other material public benefit, for a public purpose.

In accordance with Division 7.1 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, a public purpose includes any of the following:

  • The provision of public amenities or services;
  • The provision of affordable housing;
  • The provision of transport or other infrastructure relating to land;
  • The funding or recurrent expenditure relating to the provision of public amenities or public services, affordable housing or transport or other infrastructure;
  • The monitoring of the planning impacts of development;
  • The conservation or enhancement of the natural environment.

The use of Planning Agreements has increased as a result of their flexibility in allowing councils to capture public benefits outside the infrastructure contributions system.

The Towards 2040 Community Strategic Plan is a vision for the development of the region out to the year 2040. The Plan includes six principle themes and a number of objectives and strategies. This report is aligned to:

Theme: 2 Infrastructure

Objective: 2.2 Infrastructure meets the current and future needs of our community

Delivery Program Strategy: 2.2.5 Council maintains infrastructure and delivers services at the adopted service levels as agreed with the community

In accordance with the Personal Information Protection Act 1998, written submissions received by Council containing personal information may be made public when the matter goes before Council for consideration, as it may be included in Council’s Business Papers. Persons have the right to remain anonymous if they so choose by refraining from submitting their personal information, however, the submission may be given less weight in the overall assessment and consideration of the draft Planning Agreement.

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