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Our draft Waste Strategy and Implementation Plan is to provide an overarching blueprint for both reducing waste sent to landfill and for on-going progressive, sustainable, collaborative and responsible waste management services for the local government area.

The waste strategy will consider opportunities to reduce waste, increase resource recovery and transition to a circular economy, whilst also considering how to reduce emissions and abate carbon generated by waste management and resource recovery activities.

The strategy aims to provide the long-term strategic direction for Dubbo Regional Council's waste services, highlights past achievements and sets out how the waste and resource recovery needs of the Dubbo region will be met over the next decade.

Public Exhibition

Draft 2023 - 2024 Waste Strategy

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Dubbo Regional Council

Resource Recovery & Efficiency Team

Dubbo Regional Council

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📊Community consultation

We are currently preparing a draft Waste Strategy and Implementation Plan to outline how it will work with the community to reduce waste being sent to landfill, address illegal dumping and littering, and increase circular economy opportunities within the Dubbo Region.

Feedback and ideas across the following engagement activities will guide early development of the plan

  • Feedback Survey
  • Pop-up stalls

Engagement Snapshot

Here is an overview of all the activities involving community for the purpose of participation.

Contact Us

Contact Information
Phone (02) 6801 4000
In writing

P.O. Box 81
Dubbo NSW 2830

Social Media