
Saxa Road (formerly Cobbora Road) is 57km long between the Golden Highway and Mitchell Highway at Wellington. The Muronbung Road and Gollan Road intersect as separate T-intersections with Saxa Road on the eastern and western sides of the Saxa Bridge (Spicers Creek) connecting the Golden Highway via Muronbung and Gollan Roads to Goolma, Gulgong and Mudgee.

Due to the three years of La Niña, damage has been sustained on the road network with saturated pavements accounting for the majority of the damage. Saxa Road has also sustained pavement damage as well as significant damage to the causeway over Mitchell Creek at Comobella.

The damage to the causeway is significant which required a load and speed limit to be applied to the structure and Saxa Road closed at both ends with 'Local Traffic Only' and 'No Truck' restrictions.

Residents and road users in the Comobella area are being advised of the ongoing works being undertaken on Saxa Road.

Community Consultation

Council informed property owners on Saxa Road in October 2022 of 'no trucks' and local traffic only signage for the closure of Saxa Road to prevent further damage.

Staff continue to met with residents and property owners of Comobella, the impacts and mitigation of impacts associated with the closure were all discussed.

Ongoing consultation and information will be provided to Comobella residents through meetings and correspondence and updates from YourSay project page.

Road closure and proposed detour

Please refer to the blue dotted line within the below map for the proposed detour route, any traffic relating to the harvest season is expected to use this detour. For up to date traffic conditions please visit Live Traffic NSW.

Road Update | Director Infrastructure - 13 September 2023

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