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Growth Planning is publicly exhibiting a draft Development Control Plan (DCP) for the Blueridge Business Park Precinct in South-East Dubbo. The draft DCP is on public exhibition until 9am, Monday 27 November 2023.

The vision for the Blueridge Business Park is to create an attractive business and industrial precinct to maximise opportunities for local employment and business. With appropriate and flexible design provisions, the DCP aims to ensure future development is built to achieve the following objectives:

  • Development caters for the Southern Distributor Road and the wider transport network;
  • Development along Mitchell Highway is well presented whilst maintaining the amenity and functionality of surrounding properties;
  • There are opportunities for a range of commercial, business and light industrial development that contributes to the economic, employment and social growth of the Precinct;
  • Development is innovative and agile;
  • The streetscape and public domain is enhanced;
  • Existing trees are preserved, and new trees are planted on both the private and public domain; and
  • Orderly, efficient and high-quality design outcomes are achieved within the context of environmental, social and economic sustainability.

The DCP is required due to a portion of the precinct being within the South-East Urban Release Area of the Dubbo Regional Local Environmental Plan 2022.

A Development Control Plan (DCP) is a locally adopted plan that guides developers, landowners, Council and the community on how land can be developed and change over time, and includes measures such as planning principles, objectives, performance measures and acceptable solutions. It aims to ensure we can continue to develop our urban area with a strong emphasis on overall liveability, quality and sustainability.

The Dubbo Regional Local Environmental Plan (LEP) 2022 identifies a number of Urban Release Areas in Dubbo. A portion of the precinct is within the South-East Urban Release Area. Clause 6.3 of the Dubbo Regional LEP 2022 requires a site-specific DCP to be prepared prior to Council determining any development application on land within an Urban Release Area.

View the draft Development Control Plan

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